Friday 24 July 2020


A red leaf
remnant of a spent Spring
drifting beyond life
on hot currents;
Eyeing the drops
in a friendly pregnant cloud
she stretches her tip,
bounced and buffeted
at the rim of a black hole;
Peering at the silver
through the black tunnel
She sheds her gravity
sunk in the whoosh
of afterlife;
The red leaf disappears
sucked to dance
in the galaxies beyond.

Saturday 18 July 2020



Skies opened
I continued walked
As if there is no tomorrow,
I traced the cascading outpour
on my coarse face
smiling at the watery hug;
it soaked me
as if I was a tree
placed in His garden
needing quenching
needing cleansing
among the puddled earth
among the fallen flowers and fruit;
I pick up the fruits and withered browns
to the core,
I taste the white sap
nestling it deep inside
after the outpour.


Tuesday 16 June 2020


Irony of being a human
And being in apparent bonds,
Still seeking morsels
Of empathising norms;
Irony of being a woman
Playing many roles,
When I needed some cuddling
Social distancing was proposed;
Tiny bits of compassion
thrown through the doors,
Awareness  zoned in
Music flowed,
Making me sway
On shrapnels of irony.

Wednesday 10 June 2020


I spurned love
It’s whiteness 
It’s soulful singularity,
I withered it’s delicate petals 
Bogged by social thorns.
I knew
It was souls baring
A third eye phenomenon 
Where all was so fluid
Dimensions gelled one in one,
Yet I let you go!
Slipping through lifeless fingers
Viewed by dry eyes
I burnt the remnants 
On the fire of my entrails,
Pushing your aura away
I wrapped my length
In loneliness 
Never turned back
To trace the depth of our hurts.
This life has flown
Yours beyond horizons 
Mine sunk below earthy browns
Spurned by love 
With a vengeance unplanned.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Of all days, today I must believe that it is a beautiful world out there! 
 There are beautiful people out there!
There is a beautiful flow of warm and compassionate energy in the universe. It depends on us how we harness this energy and give it back to the universe.
Detachment comes at a huge  cost, but it is a great teacher! What is important here is, to not forego compassion. The spiritual path advocates detachment. Normally humans don’t detach out of joy. The process happens if your hurts and disappointments have over flown the vessel called heart. In that state retaining compassion becomes a battle. But if one has understood the journey, compassion might ebb down, but shall resurface  after a while.
Still, there are Yogis and born spiritualists ,who detach in longing for the Joyous reunion.

Sunday 31 May 2020


Pointless emotions 
Tired meditation 
Hung upside down ‘Aum‘
Dissipated truisms;
Life in a crawl 
Nothing changes 
Only age,
A lined face
With mirthless eyes
Sunk in sockets
And drooping lips 
Stretched in a grimace.
Upturned palms
Beseech awareness 
As to twisted karma!

Thursday 21 May 2020

My Chakras were always screwed!

When I look back, decades down the line, I realise, my Chakras were always twisted! The energies were always blocked neck downwards.
Maybe they got twisted when I got abused sexually as a child, or maybe because my parents could never really understand the weirdo I was, or maybe because I was witness to the gender discrimination so evidently practised in a patriarchal Punjabi home and my heart and soul vibrated with hurt.
I don't know man! But the hurts continued resulting in a body with screwed chakras!


A red leaf remnant of a spent Spring drifting beyond life on hot currents; Eyeing the drops in a friendly pregnant cloud parched she...