Sunday 31 May 2020


Pointless emotions 
Tired meditation 
Hung upside down ‘Aum‘
Dissipated truisms;
Life in a crawl 
Nothing changes 
Only age,
A lined face
With mirthless eyes
Sunk in sockets
And drooping lips 
Stretched in a grimace.
Upturned palms
Beseech awareness 
As to twisted karma!

Thursday 21 May 2020

My Chakras were always screwed!

When I look back, decades down the line, I realise, my Chakras were always twisted! The energies were always blocked neck downwards.
Maybe they got twisted when I got abused sexually as a child, or maybe because my parents could never really understand the weirdo I was, or maybe because I was witness to the gender discrimination so evidently practised in a patriarchal Punjabi home and my heart and soul vibrated with hurt.
I don't know man! But the hurts continued resulting in a body with screwed chakras!

Self Denial

Mutilation of the savage has its tragic survival in the self denial, that mars our life

Tuesday 19 May 2020


Hi my co-treaders!
It's just so exciting to be in the contemporary loop.
Cheers! Shall be posting soon. Love


A red leaf remnant of a spent Spring drifting beyond life on hot currents; Eyeing the drops in a friendly pregnant cloud parched she...